Great Yarmouth Market Redevelopment

Update on the Great Yarmouth Market Place redevelopment – May 2024

The next phase of the Great Yarmouth Market Place redevelopment to upgrade of the public realm around the Market Place to include new paving, additional trees, public art and a general de-cluttering of street furniture throughout the Market Place is due to start from June 2024.

The ambition of the project is to produce a de-cluttered space, uniting the newly opened covered market with the ‘The Place’ and creating an open, welcoming piazza style square. Over the years the marketplace has had many iterations, and these have all left a legacy in some way or other. The idea of the public realm redevelopment work will be to remove the old street furniture which has left a cluttered and busy streetscape, leaving in place a newly paved, cohesive, square, with planters and benches to allow all to enjoy.