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December Newsletter


Town Centre Partnership December Newsletter


Lantern Parade

The annual Christmas Lantern Parade take place on Saturday 9th December. The Annual Town Centre Christmas lantern Parade returns with the festive spectacle of families and their handmade lanterns parading around the market place. Community groups and residents from across the borough have been making small and large scale paper and willow lanterns in the weeks leading up to the parade. Groups include Local Primary Schools, Scouts, Brownies and Guides.

There will be an open lantern making  held in the covered market on Saturday 2nd December when anyone can come along and make a lantern to take part in the parade. The workshop will take place between 12pm and 2pm and participants should allow between 20 to 30 minutes to make their lantern. The workshop is free and any lanterns made will be kept and stored ready for the Parade so participants can collect them on the day at the  ahead of the parade.

The Christmas Lantern Parade will take place from 3.30pm on Saturday 9th December and will conclude with carol singing led by Harbour Radio in the undercover canopy of the new market.




Free Festive Parking
Please let your customers know that there is free parking available in the town centre over the festive period on Saturdays and Sundays. From now until Sunday, December 31, 2023 the following six town centre car parks, King Street, Market Place, George Street, Brewery Plain, Stonecutters and Fullers Hill are all free to park on at weekends. The same car parks are all still free after 4pm on any day.




Business Crime Reduction

This time of the year brings with it an increase in shop theft and criminal activity in the town centre. The Town Centre Partnership provides its members with a comprehensive range of crime reduction initiatives known as including a town radio link, exclusion scheme and secure sharing of images and information on known offenders. These are all supported by our town centre street wardens and CCTV operators. If you would like to know more information please contact




Great Yarmouth Angel Festival

This year Great Yarmouth Minster are celebrating Christmas in a different way. For many years they have invited businesses, schools and community groups to decorate a Christmas Tree but this year they are trying something different and having an Angel Festival.

Angels are an important part of the Christmas story so what better way to celebrate Christmas than to turn the Minster into the Heavenly Host with angels of all shapes and sizes. The Minster is inviting community groups and organisations to create an angel to be displayed in the church. It can be a full-sized free-standing angel or a table-top angel ideally made using recycled materials in your creation. They are charging £10 to enter an angel into the exhibition which opens from Friday 8th to Sunday 15th December when public entry to the Festival is free.
The festival will open on Friday 8th December at 6pm with mulled wine, hot chocolate and mince pie and lots of activities for children and adults alike so don’t miss the fun! If you would like to exhibit an Angel at the festival please click this link for a booking form  or contact the Minster by email: or phone 01493 858410